Calmet Calibration Laboratory

  Certyfikat Akredytacji
Certyfikat Akredytacji

Calmet Calibration Laboratory offers calibration of measuring instruments in the field of all parameters of the multiphase voltage and current vector. We calibrate all types of instruments that measure (meters, electricity meters, and quality analyzers) or generate electricity values (calibrators). For more information, please see our full range of services.

We have over 30 years of experience in designing and production of standards of power network parameters and power quality. We calibrate our devices using the highest class of accuracy class and quality standards with traceability to the National Standards Institutes. In the production of standards, we have introduced automation of the measuring procedures which resulted in the minimization of the need for operator participation in the measurement process thus minimizing the subjective factor and increasing the reliability of the measurement results recorded in the certificate of calibration. An additional advantage of automation of the calibration process is the ability to reduce calibration costs computed on each measuring point.

Our measuring stations and automated procedures are used to provide calibration services of instruments (manufactured by us or other companies) held by our clients. Our Calibration scope incudes values such as: DC voltage, DC current, AC voltage, AC current, DC resistance, phase shift angle, AC energy, AC power, time (time interval), and frequency.

To ensure a high quality of service, we have implemented a system compliant with the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 and PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standards and confirmed the fulfillment of the standards by obtaining the Certificate of the Calibration Laboratory No. AP 216 issued by the Polish Centre for Accreditation.

We offer calibration services for: power quality analyzers, electricity meters, devices for testing electricity meters, calibrators, and clamp meters in all accuracy classes in the scope of accreditation with CMC for Power and Energy at the level 0.007%.


 Services descrition

Description Calibration with
Maintenance Certificate without accreditation Certificate with accreditation ILAC MRA1) Maintenance & Certificate without accreditation Maintenance & Certificate with accreditation ILAC MRA1)
Symbol of service Cal+M Cal+CC Cal+CCA Cal+M&CC Cal+M&CCA
manufactured by Calmet2)
of other manufactures - - -
Tasks include
instrument cleaning - -
check/replace parts if required 3) - -
function checking - -
update software4) - -
small repairs if required 4)5) - -
certificate with results & uncertainty -
Additional paid services
conformity with requirements4)6) -
adjustments before calibration4)6) -
certificate with results before adjustment4)6) -
1) if at least one measurement result on the calibration certificate falls within the scope of accreditation
2) when purchasing a new device, the customer receives a standard service Cal+CC with conformity with requirements or as a paid service option Cal+CCA with conformity with requirements
3) parts such as standard batteries or user-replaceable fuses
4) applies to calmet devices only
5) if major faults are discovered, a new repair cost will be agreed upon with the customer
6) at the customer's request. If the device’s error won’t be below 70% of its accuracy class, the adjustment will not be performed, and its cost will not be billed. Without selecting the “Adjustment before calibration” option, only the calibration will be performed, which can result in passing outside the device’s accuracy class


Other informations

Calibration scope

Certificate of Calibration - sample

Range of services

Accreditation Certificate

Scope of accreditation

General Conditions