Publications, articles de presse, exposés de conférences et de colloques scientifiques et techniques
concernant des possibilités et l'usage des appareils en vente
Measuring nontechnical power losses using modern diagnostic techniques (PTPIREE 2018) The new measurement capabilities can be used to determine loss and balance sheet differences location. | |
How to select equipment for energy meter testing Proper selection of Calmet equipment allows you to perform the meter test quickly and conveniently both on the site and in the laboratory. | |
The interpretation of the measurement results of electricity meter error (Electricity 4/2017) The measuring result of the electicity meter error powered from the mains on site can have so high unrepeatability, even with the use of the highest accuracy tester, the measurement result may be considered insufficiently reliable and may therefore be questioned in the case of dispute. |
The use of the uncertainty of type A and B for the interpretation of the measurement results of electricity meter error powered from the mains on site (PTPIREE 2016) Checking the meter error powered from the mains on site is reliable if the estimate of the standard deviation is not greater than the permissible error of the tester. | |
Testing of energy meters under three-phase determined and random nonsinusoidal conditions (Metrology and Measurement Systems 2/2014) This paper discusses calibration problems of electronic revenue meters and presents fully automatic test system with programmed waveforms of three phase voltages up to 560V and currents up to 120A conforming to EN 50470 or with random waveforms. | |
Electrical Power Standards The modern Electrical Power Standards is a Three Phase Power Calibrator with additional features enables generation of power quality parameters and testing many kind electric devices in a fully automatic way. | |
Voltage and current calibrators (Measurements models system and design / WKŁ 2007). Theoretical basics of voltage and current calibrators construction and their development | |
Testing of flickermeters (PAK 6/2012). The presented results confirm the possibility of using of the three phase power calibrator for checking of the class A flickermeters | |
Current and Potential Transformers testing on site (Electrical Review 11/2011) Current and Potential Transformers testing directly on the site using Calport 100 Plus Three Phase Power Network Analyser and Energy Meter Tester, allows additonal to check connection correctness and accuracy of measurement circuit | |
The repeatability as a quality accuracy test standard of the electricity meter (Electrical Review 11/2011). The use of a characteristics of the maximum value of the estimation of standard deviation as a function of energy measurement time allows effective (fast and accurately) testing of electricity meters | |
Testers of energy meters connected to the power network (PAK 12/2010) This article presents progress of electricity meter testers from single function testers to the newest integrated testers designed as three instruments in one compact case - the Energy Meter Tester and the Instrument Transformer Tester and the Power Quality Analyser | |
Calibration of energy meter testers with current clamps (PAK 11/2010) Calibration of high accuracy 0.2% energy meter testers with current clamps up to 100A should be made with only using power calibrators accuracy class 0.05% without using coils | |
Methods of checking a circuit with energy meter and current transformner (PAK 10/2010) Modern double function testers of energy meters with additional function of instrument current transformer tester and popular single function energy meter testers make possible to check accuracy a circuit with energy meter and current transformer | |
Development of power network parameters standards (PAK 12/2009). This article presents progress of power network parameters standards and their concepts, from the first standards of sinusoidal and stable power network parameters to the newest standards of non-sinusoidal and variable power network parameters Rotek 8100 and Fluke 6100A from USA and Calmet C300 from Poland. | |
Power quality analyzers testing (PAK 7/2009). Modern three phase power calibrator makes possible to checking the metrological and statistical power quality analyzers for compliance with the requirements of IEC 61000-4-30 and EN 50160 standards | |
Stationary single position meter test stations (PE 7/2009). A new generation of single position meter test stations LS3 is elegant and allows for efficient testing of all types of electricity meters. | |
Electricity meter and power quality testing (Elektroinfo 10/2008). Integrated tests able to simultaneous meter and power quality testing when amount of energy or quality of distributed energy is querying. | |
Testing of the single phase electricity meters (Elektroinfo 7-8/2008). The new single phase electricity meter tester able to testing meter in to the clients local. The tester makes possible to record result of the control and doesn't need external power, disconnecting the circuits and using clients loads. | |
Interharmonics measurements (PTiWT 6/2008). Interharmonics and signal voltage measurements for IEC 61000-4-7 and IEC 61000-4-30 norm with digital signal processing carry out in to the portable power quality analyser for service. | |
How will we test protective relays (PTiWT 6/2008). Relays testers and new generation three phase power calibrators makes possible to automatic testing protective relays, electricity meters, measurement transducers and current transformers in range up to 3x100A. | |
Dynamic testing of the protection relays (PTiWT 6/2008). C300 power calibrator use dynamic method and on/off hold method to quick and automatic testing relays start up value with high precision and large area of values. | |
Portable automatical three phase test bench station (PAK 5/2007). Test bench station by using power calibrator makes possible testing electricity meters on the site without necessity using of control meter and many wires | |
Flicker measurement (PAK 5/2007). Flicker coefficient measurement by using digital signal processing is performed in panel power quality analyser | |
Electricity meters testing (Elektroinfo 9/2006). Testing of electricity meters on the site can be performed by using standard meter (Calport 100) in network measuring point or by using portable meter test equipment (C300) in all required test points | |
Three phase power calibrator and automatic tester of electric equipment (PAK 6 bis/2006). A new three pahase power calibrator makes possible to check many kinds electric equipment used in power industry, including accurate electricity meters, measuring transformers and fast protective relays | |
Measurement and recording of voltage asymmetry in three phase circuits (PAK 6 bis/2006). Long term recording of three phase assymetry supply according to PN-EN 50160 and IEC 61000-4-30 by using network quality analysers makes possible to decrease losses made by network assymetry | |
Using calibrators for adjustment, calibration and equipment testing (KNWS 2005). Command of adjustment, calibration, testing of measurement tools and algorithm which keeps their high quality helps the users take a decision about periodical verification of possessed tools | |
Applications of electric quantities calibrators (KNWS 2004). Calibrator's definition, description of calibrators place in standards hierarchy possibilities of Polish voltages and currents calibrators makes easier idea of standard basis pyramid construction made in Zielona Gora for 30 years | |
Reconstruction system of modulated signals of AC/DC voltage and current (V Symposium "Modeling and simulation of measurement systems" Krynica 2004). Multifunction calibrator C101 and PC software for amplitude setting make possible energy quality meters investigation, e.g. flickermeters | |
Energy quality measurements by using microprocessors systems (KNWS 2004). Distributed system of energy quality monitoring is possible for realization by using rail-mounted NSQ series analysers and NSQ Soft software | |
Clamps meters checking by using current calibrators (Electrical Review 6/2003). Clamps ammeters testing (power clamps analysers) up to 1000A requires coil and current calibrator (power calibrator) with high load capacity 40VA | |
Calport 100 analyser – a new trend in diagnostic and operating of energetic network (II Conference "Diagnostic in energetic networks of industry" Płock 2001). Connection function of electricity meters tester and network quality analyser determine a new trend in diagnostic of energetic network | |
Output resistance of voltages calibrators (PAK 7/1997). Testing of milivoltmeter 60mV/10mA for cooperation with shunt requires using small output resistance calibrator in four cable connection – only few calibrators meet the requirements |