Calmet Certificate ISO 9001
Calmet Certificate ISO 9001

L'entreprise "Calmet" Sp. z o.o. (Auparavant de Mise en Application des Innovations "Calmet" Sp. z o.o.) a été créé en 1989 par les constructeurs de l'Atelier de Calibrateurs du Centre de Recherche pour le Développement Lumel, pour des besoins de conception, de production, de vente et de service de nouvelles sortes de calibrateurs et de testeurs d'appareils électriques. Le nom Calmet vient des mots CALibrators (calibrateurs) et METrology (métrologie) - le principal domaine d'activité de la société Calmet. Depuis quelques années, l'exportation, essentiellement vers les pays de l'UE représente environ 70% de nos ventes. Les produits suivants sont l'objet de l'exportation:

  • les appareils vendus sous notre propre marque Calmet,
  • les projets réalisés sur commande,
  • les appareils vendus sous la marque de différentes entreprises.






World map of Calmet

World map of Calmet

Equipment designed and produced by us, are used in many laboratories all over the world using brand many different companies or our own Calmet as well. It is possible thanks to our big experience in designing, production and servicing of new electronics and computers technology devices.

Traditionally we specialize in electrical power quantities generating – calibrators of voltages, currents and power. Since 1996 we have also busy with testing electricity meters and power network parameters analysing – meters testers, standard meters and connected with them network parameters meters. Since 2002 we have involved in generating and measuring network quality parameters - calibrators, network quality recorders and analysers. Since 2006 we have been also interested in automation of electro-utility automatic protective equipment testing - relays and modern digital protection.

To ensure a high quality of service, we have implemented a system compliant with the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 and confirmed the fulfillment of the standards by obtaining PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 Calmet Certificate issued by the PCC-CERT Szwak Sp. K.


Company portraitCompany portrait


Commentary to our history.

We are an innovative-developing company and from the beginning developmental department makes a half of our personal staff, that is why every year we put into practice new products. Moreover, for 1999-2012 we have designed and produced power network parameters meters, electricity meters testers and network quality analysers, ordered by international companies using their brand.



Innovative-Developing Enterprise "Calmet" Ltd. was called into being for developing and producing a new kind od calibrators and testers – this task we have realized up to this day by using modern electronics and computers technology, thanks to that since many years we are mainly an export company


1990 ÷ 1994

Series C400 economical industrial signals calibrators

Series C200 single phase and C233 three phase power calibrators, that have amazing profitable price and possibilities (e.g. 100A output)

Series C101 multifunctional calibrators – very profitable price, small dimensions and weight, high output load and 100A range


1995 ÷ 1996

series CT network parameters meters for voltages, currents and phase angles controling of meter test bench

LE10 standard meter and network parameters meter for checking electricity meters on the site


1998 ÷ 1999

CR10 calibrator of huge resistances – unique calibrator for checking insulation resistance meters

Calport 100 standard meter and power network tester – exceptionally profitable price and possibilities have caused its considerable export


2002 ÷ 2006

NSQ400 portable power network quality analyser

C300 three phase power calibrator and automatic tester of many kinds electric equipment, including such important as electricity meters and protective relays


2007 ÷ 2008

Caltest 10 handy, single phase electricity meter tester, powered from tested circuit, with load force possibility

Caltest 300 multifunctional three phase meter with high class of accuracy and large measured range up to 120A, works as a electricity meter tester, instrument transformer tester, reference standard and power quality analyser


2011 ÷ 2012

C250 single phase power calibrators with predefined settings

MPX8 multichannel meter error calculator for testing simultaneously up to eight electricity meters

TB40 stationary four position energy meter test bench



CC11 AC current source works as a phantom load for electricity meters testing

CP11 single phase power calibrator and automatic tester of many kinds electric devices, including such important as electricity meters and protective relays



C300B three phase power calibrator and automatic tester of many kinds electric equipment, including such important as electricity meters and protective relays

CP11B single phase power calibrator and automatic tester of many kinds electric devices, including such important as electricity meters and protective relays

TE30 multifunctional three phase reference meter, electricity meter and instrument transformer tester and power quality analyser



CF106 universal photohead for testing of electronic electricity meters with LED or with mark on LCD display, inductive electricity meters with rotor and for manual counting of impulses



TE30Lite three phase network analyzer and tester of electricity meters and Instrument transformers

TS33 three-phase fully automatic test system with reference standard and integrated current and voltage source



TS41 high power three-phase fully automatic test system with reference standard and integrated current and voltage

TB41 four position meter test bench for smart meters



TS23 three phase reference standard


Historique des calibrateurs

History of Polish calibrators begins in industrial plant Lumel in Zielona Gora, over 40 years ago and up to this day it is the showcase of electronic industry of Zielona Gora.

Three phase calibrators are the most complicated kind of calibrators, require the best qualifications during designing and production – they are showcase of the company. It is possible, that it is the main cause, why such few companies all over the world produce three phase calibrators, and why is such high export of them.


1972 – start production of calibrators in industrial plant Lumel

1978 – we introduced first multifunctional calibrator GA1

1982 – we introduced first calibrator with microprocessor SQ11

1984 – we introduced calibrator SQ10

1986 – we introduced calibrator SQ33

1989 – Calmet company establishment

1993 – we have introduced C233 calibrators, exceptionally profitable price and range up to 100A, but hand controlled

2006 – we have introduced a new generation calibrator C300

2014 - we introduced three phase power calibrator and automatic tester of many kinds electric equipment, including such important as eletricity meters and protective relays C300 and single phase power calibrator CP11B

2019 - we introduced three-phase fully automatic test system with reference standard and inregrated current and voltage source TS33

2020 - we introduced high power three-phase fully automatic test system with reference standard and inregrated current and voltage source TS41